Google "Ring Species".
"Have scientists ever been able to recreate or virtually witness a Macroevolution type jump that "transcends the boundaries of a single species"?"
There are no jumps from one species to another. The transition from one species to another is extremely gradual spanning multiple generations. The best way I can think of illustrating it is to imagine the brightness of the sky at midday and at midnight as being two different species. Now imagine each second of time from midday to midnight as being one generation of the species in the process of evolution. There is no single second of time that jumps from midday to midnight. Rather, there are multiple seconds of time between the two. Also each second of daylight leads to another second of daylight. No single second spans the transition from night to day. It's an extremely gradual transition whose dynamics cannot be perceived by the human eye viewing it in real time. Evolution is like that. Each generation of the transition is able to reproduce with the generation immediately before it - they are always of the same species. But "final" generation would not be able to reproduce with the original generation. They are as different as midnight from midday.
So when creationists say that they believe micro-evolution but not macro-evolution, it's as if they're saying: 'I believe one second of afternoon daylight leads to another second of very very very slightly less bright afternoon daylight. But I don't believe that the brightness of midday eventually turns to the darkness of midnight. The idea is utterly ridiculous!'